Spring Cleaning

It’s that time again…the birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, kids are outside playing and spring is in the air.

What does healthy living mean to you?

It may be exercise, taking vitamins, healthy meal prep or spending time with family-- it’s for you to decide! At Bronson, not only do we believe in healthy living through nutrition, but in the importance of keeping the space you live in clean and clutter free.

Creating physical space around us allows us to create the space we need in our minds to enjoy every minute of the upcoming seasons.

How does one de-clutter? If you have children (or fur-children), a small living space-- or just a lot of stuff, it can be a real challenge to remove clutter. That’s why we put together an easy 4-step guide that can help just about anyone de-clutter their physical space and be mentally ready to enjoy the springtime!

Step 1: The Checklist

After months of cold weather, extra clothing, comfort food and cozying up on the couch, we all need some motivation to get started. That’s where the checklist comes in. Have you seen a de-cluttering hack or a DIY project you want to accomplish this spring and are not sure how to begin?

Prioritizing projects alleviates the clutter we create in our minds. Once we make a checklist, we can begin to think clearly and reset for the long beach days and warm summer nights ahead.

Our motto is prioritize first, clean second, DIY third.

After making our checklist of all the cleaning and DIY-ing tasks we need and want to accomplish, prioritize them by room, starting with the bedroom. Your bedroom should be the most clutter-free room of them all so you can rest and relax after a long day of work, running errands and cooking dinner. After the bedroom, it’s up to you where to go next, the kitchen and bathrooms are both great places to start – or the dreaded playroom.

Step 2: The Question

Whether you are cleaning your bedroom, living room or playroom, we found the critical question to ask ourselves is “How important is this ______ to me?” If you are anything like us, it’s easy to find sentimental value in some of the things invading our space. Whether it is a holiday greeting card, a shirt we got on sale or a 5-year-old crayon drawing from your niece– is it really that important to be taking up this space? Most, if not all the time- the answer is no…so in the garbage, a storage bin or donation pile it goes.

Step 3: The Deep Clean

Now that you’ve started to de-clutter, cleaning will get easier and you can begin to dust, disinfect and vacuum. We have an awesome, benefit packed DIY recipe with Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Oil – sometimes cleaning and DIY-ing go hand in hand!

You’ll Need:

• Glass Spray Bottle

• 2 cups of Filtered Water

• 1 cup of Organic Distilled White Vinegar

• 18+ drops of Tea Tree Oil

• 12+ drops of Eucalyptus Oil

Tea tree is known to fight germs, bacteria & viruses. Eucalyptus is a natural germicide. Our Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oil DIY recipe helps to fight terms, bacteria &viruses favorite thing about this DIY recipe is the awesome benefits Tea Tree helps to fight germs, bacteria & viruses and Eucalyptus is a natural germicide.

Mix the ingredients together in the glass spray bottle, give it a good shake – and GO!

Step 4: The Victory

After you experience your first victory with Room #1 – Don’t stop there, tackle the rest of your rooms on your list! Summer fun is just around the corner!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided in this blog is intended for general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. If you have any questions regarding a medical condition, seek the advice of your physician or a qualified healthcare provider.